أخبار عاجلة

: "Cairo 3A Inaugurates a Further Processing Factory with EGP 600m Investments"

Cairo 3A Poultry، affiliate of the Cairo 3A Group، the largest national entity in the field of food industries، has inaugurated its latest factory for further processing of poultry products in the industrial zone of the Tenth of Ramadan City، with EGP 600 million investments with an initial production capacity of 9 thousand tons annually. 

As part of the company's strategy to broaden its industrial investments and to complete the poultry sector's value chain، the objective is to boost the production of poultry products and fulfil the local market's need for top-tier food items that adhere to global standards while remaining competitively priced.


Bolstering the global economy

In line with Cairo 3A Group's endeavours، the inauguration of the new factory underscores the company's commitment to bolstering the national economy. This involves amplifying annual investment allocations to cater to the demands of Egyptian consumers for food products، as well as exporting excess to international markets. Moreover، it coincides with Cairo 3A Poultry's strategy to fortify its position in the poultry products sector، thereby upholding its leadership in poultry production within Egypt. The opening ceremony of the further processing factory was attended by Ibrahim Wagdy، CEO of Cairo 3A Poultry، Mohamed Aref، General Manager، and several company executives.


Located in the industrial zone of the 10th of Ramadan City، Cairo 3A Poultry's factory for further processing of poultry products covers an area of 10 thousand square meters with a production capacity of 9 thousand tons، planned to be increased to 18 thousand tons. It is equipped with state-of-the-art production lines sourced from a leading international company. The factory's products include nuggets، strips، fillets، patties، chicken burgers، drumsticks، wings، and whole chicken meals. Additionally، the factory incubates a seasoning-mixing lab to prepare chicken marinades for the manufactured poultry products.


Following a modern biosecurity system

To ensure the quality and safety of food products، the factory follows a modern biosecurity system to guarantee food safety and sanitization before entering the factory، with automated packaging for products، also the entire factory is monitored by cameras connected to a central control room to ensure quality. Furthermore، ongoing training is provided to employees on the latest methods and global standards، with provision of sanitized clothing and tools to ensure their safety and the safety of the products.

"The establishment of the further processing factory marks a significant milestone in our strategy to achieve comprehensive integration across all stages of production، encompassing poultry breeding، fattening، feed production، and the manufacturing of the final products، including both live and chilled poultry and poultry products." Remarked، Ibrahim Wagdy، CEO of Cairo 3A Poultry.


Cairo 3A introduced poultry products to the Egyptian market for the first time in 2021 under the brand name "Shahd،" and succeeded in acquiring a leading share in the sector within a short span، while maintaining dominance in both live and chilled poultry sectors. This aims to offer consumers a diverse range of high-quality food products at competitive prices.

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