: talabat is your default app on Xiaomi phones

أصول مصر 0 تعليق ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

The Internet Business Department of Xiaomi، the global technology leader، announces partnership with talabat، the region's leading platform for everyday deliveries. Through this partnership the talabat app will now come preloaded on Xiaomi phones in certain markets in the Middle East، offering users convenience with quicker access to the app. 


Launched last February، this partnership spanned four markets across the region: United Arab Emirates، Qatar، Egypt and Iraq. The partnership between the two major industry leaders showcases a shared commitment to enhance user engagement.

A strategic milestone for Talabat

"The launch of AI Preload Solution in United Arab Emirates، Qatar، Egypt and Iraq represents a strategic milestone for talabat and Xiaomi’s Internet Business Department as they continue to explore opportunities in other markets potentially after this phase،" said Mr George Zhang، Head of Internet Business Department، SEA، Xiaomi.

Stefano Vecchio، Vice President، Strategy & Innovation at talabat، said “We’re continuously looking at ways to create engaging and relevant partnerships with industry leaders – collaborating with Xiaomi to pre-install the talabat app on Xiaomi mobile devices across the region proves our commitment to simplify the everyday life of customers in the region، by delivering food، groceries and more to their doorstep.”


This exciting partnership between talabat and Xiaomi empowers both platforms to exchange expertise and resources، offering both users and businesses the best experience possible.

Haven’t tried talabat yet? You don’t need to install it! You can find the app preloaded on your Xiaomi phone now

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