: Davos Forum 2024sidelines focus on containing humanitarian crisis in the Middle East

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Maroun Kairouz Director of the Middle East and North Africa Region، at the World Economic Forum، WEF، Davos، Klosters، Switzerland، affirmed on the sidelines of the Davos Forum 2024، that the Davos Forum will focus its work on the importance of containing the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East and searching for urgent solutions to geopolitical tensions، as well as the importance of economic integration to stimulate growth in the Middle East and North Africa region.

Humanitarian crisis in the Middle East

As business and political leaders gather for the 2024 World Economic Forum، WEF، in Davos، Chief Economists have  curated an insightful agenda of fireside chats and panels to address this year’s theme of "Rebuilding Trust" as the World Economic Forum provides a global، impartial and not-for-profit platform for meaningful connection between stakeholders to establish trust، and build initiatives for cooperation and progress.

Saadia Zahidi

Economists Outlook highlights the precarious nature of the current economic environment

Saadia Zahidi، Managing Director، World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2024، taking place 15-19 January in Davos-Klosters، Switzerland، stated that the latest Chief Economists Outlook highlights the precarious nature of the current economic environment.


The Chief Economists at the  World Economic Forum،  WEF،  in Davos predict that global economy faces global challenges need global solutions during a year of subdued growth prospects and uncertainty stemming from geopolitical strife، tight financing conditions and the disruptive impact of artificial intelligence، and sessions held at the Filecoin Sanctuary will convene some of the world’s most powerful and influential voices to give practical solutions on topics like geopolitical uncertainty، supply chains، leadership، innovation and sustainability.

Ukraine and Middle East conflicts 

The World Economic Forum، WEF، Davos، Klosters، Switzerland، is convened after almost 2 years on since Russian troops invaded Ukraine، the war rages on. President Zelenskyy has voiced his fears that the conflict in the Middle East has overshadowed what is going on within his country، and implored the international community to remain committed to protecting Ukraine. 


But the war has caused diplomatic tensions from Brussels to Washington، with Ukraine’s accession a key issue for European leaders، and aid to Ukraine becoming a political football in Congress، so that experts at the World Economic Forum، WEF، Davos، Klosters، Switzerland، try to answer the tough questions on where the conflict is heading، and how the Ukraine economy can rebuild after the invasion in 2022.

WEF، for more than 50 years، has developed historic initiatives

The World Economic Forum، WEF، Davos، Klosters، Switzerland، for more than 50 years، has developed historic initiatives، industry breakthroughs، economic solutions and thousands of collaborations، improving the state of the world by facilitating progress on systemic challenges that are taken forward through 0 centres، each applying the Forum's unique combination of impact methods to drive holistic efforts.


Malik Faraoun is the Lead of Middle East and North Africa at the World Economic Forum، WEF، where he is also a Global Leadership Fellow during the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in the Swiss resort of Davos where more than 60 chief economists drawn globally from the private and public sectors attempt to sketch priorities for policymakers and business leaders.

Overall global economic conditions to weaken this year

These chief economists expect at  the World Economic Forum، WEF، in the Swiss resort of Davos that overall global economic conditions to weaken this year، with a high degree of regional divergence، but with moderate or stronger growth in China and the United States، there was broad consensus among them that Europe would muster only weak or very weak growth while the outlook for South Asia and East Asia and Pacific was more positive، with moderate growth in 2024.


The World Economic Forum، WEF، released a study on the quality  of economic growth across 107 economies that concluded that most countries are growing in ways that are neither environmentally sustainable nor socially inclusive، however، reigniting global growth will be essential to addressing key challenges، yet growth alone is not enough، and reflecting commentary from the world's top central banks suggesting that interest rates have peaked، and expected financial conditions to loosen as inflation ebbs and current tightness in labour markets eases.


WEF was launching a campaign to define a new approach to growth

The WEF was launching a campaign to define a new approach to growth and help policy makers balance it with social، environmental and other priorities such as artificial intelligence which was seen making an unequal mark on the world economy as AI is seen to significantly boost productivity in high and low income economies over the next five years.


The World Economic Forum convenes the world's foremost leaders under the theme، Rebuilding Trust amid accelerating divergence، the resilience of the global economy will continue to be tested in the year ahead، though global inflation is easing، growth is stalling، financial conditions remain tight، global tensions are deepening and inequalities are rising، highlighting the urgent need for global cooperation to build momentum for sustainable، inclusive economic growth. 

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"جميع الحقوق محفوظة لأصحابها"

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